There are many pieces to the puzzle of animal health. The beauty of the hemp extract (cannabidiol), is that it can enhance all of them! In fact, scientists keep on finding new potential nutritional and therapeutic benefits of this remarkable substance. It is now clinically proven that the pure plant extract can enhance the physical, mental, and even emotional well-being not only of human beings but also other animals and especially cats and dogs. Helping them live long, healthy, and happy lives!

A natural source of well-being
Cannabidiol is just one of the many substances found naturally occurring in hemp plants that are thought to have a positive effect on our furry friends. And among other benefits, it’s been shown to offer relief from all kinds of aches and pains, while boosting their immune response, strengthening sore, tired or injured joints and bones, and helping four-legged champs deal with the stress and anxiety that often go hand in hand with everyday pet life. In short, when taken regularly, hemp extract can help pets perform, play, sleep, relax, run, cuddle, and fool around at their very best!
A different view of animal health
Unlocking the secrets of natural remedies like hemp extract is rapidly changing the way the world thinks about animal health and well-being. When given as part of a holistic approach to pet care, hemp helps in all kinds of little ways that add up to a big difference for your furry compadre. Helping them feel more comfortable physically, more balanced mentally, and more relaxed emotionally. So they can live the comfortable, energetic, balanced, and rewarding lives they deserve.

How cannabidiol actually works
A lot of the magic has to do with its ability to imitate key compounds that are naturally produced by our bodies but also those of cats and dogs: the so-called endocannabinoids. These clever substances play a crucial role in all kinds of bodily and cognitive functions. Because the endocannabinoid system is located throughout your pet’s body, it is responsible for regulating and keeping several bodily processes in balance including movement, mood, memory, appetite and pain response. Hemp extract is also thought to modulate several non-endocannabinoid signaling systems throughout the body. Depending on the dose, for example, it’s been shown to interact positively with serotonin receptors in the brain. Which also explains why hemp extract has such a big impact on our furry friends’ emotional as well as their physical well-being. Giving them the freedom and confidence to truly shine.